TEAM Meeting Agenda for December 11th, 2024
Call to order
Approval of previous minutes (reviewed by everyone before meeting)
Winter Assembly Parking and Premium Seating fundraiser per Luzzi
Two spots in the parking lot, 4 in front of the Main Entrance $25 per spot
First Row Seating $25, Second Row Seating $15
Treasurer Update
Current Balance ~$4,500
Financial goals and where are we today
$10k by EOY; YTD fundraising deposits ~$5,130 (will add Regal, Giving Tuesday, Pochos, and Baskets once completed)
How will the update meeting at 6PM run
Present timeline of completed events; money raised; money used i.e. fulfilling teacher wishlists; open for questions, comments, suggestions. Give each person the floor for max of three minutes, max of 30 min Q&A
Board and member expectations for fundraising ideas, implementation, execution, wrapup including thank yous
Revisit having meetings every other month in the evenings at 4:30-5:30 to hopefully expand parent involvement.
Grant writing, Taya taking the lead
Our brag sheet, what all have we accomplished with photos and details so we can quickly access
Restaurant fundraisers
Liz to coordinate dates with local restaurants and set up recurring schedules
Packers/Bears Fundraiser Wrap Up
Regal Theater Fundraiser Final Push/Hype for next time at beginning AND end
Teachers Classroom Wishlists to finish
Connection for Headphones? Popular req from teachers
School Wide Pizza Party
School Wide Ice Cream Party
School Wide Movie Field Trip - Possibly Regal?
Connection to Discount Paper
Collect Paper Towel and Toilet paper rolls
December Baskets Fundraiser Week 1 Update and coordinate logistics for raffle ticket sales at Winter Assembly on 12/18
Pochos Luncheon and Pochos Donation for December
Set up Check-In Station and Raffle Ticket Sale Station
Giving Tuesday and EOY giving status
Any specific requests from donors
DonorsChoose matching for 2025
Staff Thank You Breakfast 1/10/25 budget $700 - 2024 we spent $659
Reach out to La Justicia and Pochos
Reach out to Jumping Bean (a lot of teachers frequent their business)
Penny Wars Starting 2/20/25-3/14/25
Need lead person in charge of logistics and weekly update
At least 3 people counting on Fridays for Weekly Grade Band Ranking
March Madness starting 3/18/2025
Parent Night out at Monochrome Brewery 4/5/25 4-9:30 childcare at Jungman
Potluck vs. using a vendor
Assign Check-In Person and Square Sales Person
Pop-Up “Artisan” Market
Upperclass students to use 3D printer to make items that can be sold as gifts for Mothers Day or Fathers Day
Ideas are picture frames, keychains, coasters
TEAM can purchase material needed and items can be purchased at minimal price
Additional Topics or events for our community i.e. financial literacy, antibullying for parents and students, education around GoCPS for families and students in PreK, 5th-8th grade for 2025-2026 school year, High School Test Prep
Next meeting 1/8/2025